
Zookeeper Administrator's Guide How to Start and Stop Zookeeper in Linux

Based on the type of zookeeper package you have installed, start and stop differs.

Method 1 – Separate Zookeeper package

In this example the package is extracted inside /apps/zookeeper

Start Zookeeper :   #/apps/zookeeper/bin/ start

Check if its listening : #echo “ruok” | nc localhost 2181 ; echo

Note: If you have not enabled 4lw commands, the above “ruok” will not work. Check how to enable 4lw commands.

Stop Zookeeper : #/apps/zookeeper/bin/ stop

Method 2 – Zookeeper which comes with Kafka package.

In this example the package is extracted inside /apps/kafka. Navigate to /apps/kafka and run the below command.

Start Zookeeper :   #/bin/ -daemon /apps/kafka/config/

Note:using -daemon switch above, telling to start the process in the background.

Check if its listening : #echo “ruok” | nc localhost 2181 ; echo

Note: If you have not enabled 4lw commands, the above “ruok” will not work. Check how to enable 4lw commands.

Start Zookeeper :   #/apps/kafka/bin/


Categories:   Apache, Zookeeper
