
Axway Transfer CFT UCONF – Unified configuration – Important settings – from UI or Co-Pilot.

Axway Transfer CFT UCONF – Unified configuration – Important settings – from UI or Co-Pilot.

UCONF Id                      Default Value                             Windows                              Unix
[cft.runtime_dir]              $(CFTDIRRUNTIME)

[cft.install_dir]                $(CFTDIRINSTALL)

[cft.cftcat.fname]            $(cft.runtime_dir)/data/cftcata         $CFTCATA(cft.ini)               _CFTCATA

[cft.cftcat.default_size]    10000
(Default Catalog size)

[cft.cftcom.default_size]  1000
(This is the communication file. As soon as CFT executes a command, it doesnt exectues it immediately,
The request actually goes into a com queue, where it holds the request and then pushes at once.

[cft.cftparm.fname]          $(cft.runtime_dir)/data/cftparm        $CFTPARM                        _CFTPARM
(This is the place where all the parameters are stored)

[cft.cftparm.partfname]     $(cft.runtime_dir)/data/cftpart         $CFTPART                         _CFTPART
(This is where the partner information is saved)

[cft.cftparm.pkifname]      $(cft.runtime_dir)/conf/pki/pkibase  $CFTPKU                          _CFTPKU
(All the certificates and keys information is stored)

[cft.cftparm.habfname]     $(cft.runtime_dir)/data/sec.ini          $CFTHINI                           _CFTHINI
(Security Profiles)

[cft.cftparm.secparm]      $(cft.runtime_dir)/data/secparm        $CFTHPARM                    _CFTHPARM
(Security Parameters)

[cft.cftparm.keyfname]      $(cft.runtime_dir)/conf/cft.key
(License Key file, if you need to change or update the key) CFT restart is needed for new key to be recognized.

[cft.cftcom.fname]           $(cft.runtime_dir)/data/cftcom            $CFTCOM                      _CFTCOM

[cft.cftlog.fname]             $(cft.runtime_dir)/loga/cftlog              $CFTLOG                       _CFTLOG
(CFT Full Log)

[cft.cftlog.afname]           $(cft.runtime_dir)/log/cftalog              $CFTALOG                    _CFTALOG
(status information log)

[cft.cftlaccnt.fname]        $(cft.runtime_dir)/log/cftaccnt            $CFTACCNT                   _CFTACNT
(Accounting log)

[cft.cftaccnt.afname]        $(cft.runtime_dir)/accnt/cftaccnt        $CFTAACCN                   _CFTACNTA


Categories:   FT, Middleware
